A memorandum beginning.Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement (LSHPD) M.N.Nikitin and senior assistant to the operation...

Title A memorandum beginning.Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement (LSHPD) M.N.Nikitin and senior assistant to the operational department of the LSHPD V. Antonenko G.F.Aleksandrov about the actions of the Leningrad partisans against German troops.Script.February 8, 1944
Dates 8 февраля 1944 г.
Notes RGASPI.F. 17. op.125. D. 249. L. 2
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 125. Д. 249. Л. 2
Original location Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Rosarchive
Display format