Title |
Development by the Scientific Research Institute for Fertilizer and Insectophycids (NIIUF) named afterProf.I'M IN.Samoilov of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR, simple recipes of a chemical heating pad and the organization of mass production of heats for the Red Army on the basis of this recipe from October 15 to December 31, 1941. Author G.A.Markova and I.A.Bruyer.Script.[1942] |
Dates |
[1942 г.] |
Notes |
RGA in Samara.F. R-64 "Research Institute for Fertilizer and Insectofungids (NIIUF) named afterProf.I'M IN.Samoilov of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR. " OP.1-1.D. 1290. L. 1–9, 11, 23–30, 32, 34–37, 41. In the case,: an extract from Protocol No. 5 of December 25, 1942, a meeting of the Scientific Council of NIIUF on the nomination of G.A.Markova and I.A.Bruyer for the Stalin Prize (l. 1), the development of the main recipes of chemical |
Text language |
Русский |
Call number |
РГА в г. Самаре. Ф. Р-64. Научно-исследовательский институт по удобрениям и инсектофунгицидам (НИИУФ) им. проф. Я. В. Самойлова Министерства химической промышленности СССР. Оп. 1-1. Д. 1290. Л. 1-9, 11, 23-30, 32, 34-37, 41 |
Original location |
Российский государственный архив в г. Самаре |
Display format |
Collections |