Anthem of the Soviet Union.1944 MUZ.A.V.Alexandrova,S.V.Mikhalkov and G. El Registan.He performs the Red Banner Ensemble of the ...

Title Anthem of the Soviet Union.1944 MUZ.A.V.Alexandrova,S.V.Mikhalkov and G. El Registan.He performs the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR under the direction of A.V. Aleksandrov.1944 The anthem was recorded at the recording factory "Gramplastrests of the NKLP".
Dates 1944 г.
Notes RGAFD.F. 540. Op.10. No. 342.
Text language Русский
Call number РГАФД. Ф. 540. Оп. 10. № 342
Original location Российский государственный архив фонодокументов
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