The Act on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their Spanish accomplices in the territory of Novgorod the Great and Novgorod...

Title The Act on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their Spanish accomplices in the territory of Novgorod the Great and Novgorod district during the occupation.Copy.February 15, 1944
Dates 15 февраля 1944 г.
Notes GA RF.F. R-7021.OP.34. D. 367. L. 1–5, 7–15 l. 6 in the case is absent.
Text language Русский
Call number ГА РФ. Ф. Р-7021. Оп. 34. Д. 367. Л. 1-5, 7-15
Original location Государственный архив Российской Федерации
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