Letter of the head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR for prisoners of war and interned by I. A. Petrov to the People's C...

Title Letter of the head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR for prisoners of war and interned by I. A. Petrov to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria on organizing the NKVD camps for prisoners of war and special contingent of their own subsidiary farms and preparation for the sowing campaign
Dates 27 июля 1943 г.


Text language Русский
Call number ЦА ФСБ России. Ф. 3. Оп. 10. Д. 34. Л. 116
Original location Центральный архив Федеральной службы безопасности России
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