Identifier |
16269a01-9a07-41f3-ab6b-5b8e21fc6a31 |
Title |
Documents for the meeting [19] on the vacation from the state treasury funds for needs;military department, railway construction;Teachers' seminaries;craft school at the Tula Armory, the Goldingen School in Courland, the Kovensky agricultural school;for the maintenance: city Kuban region, hospitals in the Syr-Darya, Samarkand, Ferghana regions;about the state of the police of the Relya Military Port and the police at the Starry Steppe station;on the establishment in the city of Zee of the Gold -Follow Laboratory;about duty-free passage from abroad of engines and propeller;On the pensions and benefits of officers of the border guard, etc. Appendix - a project for the development of the Yaroslavl railway junction, the plan of the Karss Sarakamysh branch.Typographic copy |
Dates |
1910 |
Notes |
The title of the case on the folder: documents for a meeting [19] on the vacation from the state treasury for the needs of the military department, railway construction, teacher seminaries, a craft school at the Tula weapons factory, the Goldingen school in Courland, the Kovensky agricultural school, etc.Typographic copySheets: 210 sheets, including: liter numbers of sheets 1A, 2A, 98A, 110A;missed sheet numbers 15, 27, 109, 119Part of the typewritten text with handwritten notes, part is printed in a typographic way |
Text language |
Russian |
Level |
Case |
Call number |
ГА РФ. 1838 / 1 / 288 |
Cataloguing source |
Series |
Documents of the pre -October period.1837-1918 |
Extent |
210 sheets |
Creator |
Russia.State Treasury.Tula arms factory.Craft school.Goldingen School.Kovensky agricultural school |
Fonds |
Collection of documents of Professor I. Kh. Ozerov |
Summary |
It is included in the section of the inventory: documents for meetings of the State Council and the State Duma to discuss bills.1911 |
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