Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2641 SS on the events for serial production of gun guide stations (SPA-2), with the application o...

Title Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2641 SS on the events for serial production of gun guide stations (SPA-2), with the application of the list of events and imported equipment;The report of Malenkov G.M., Saburova M.Z., Kabanova I.G., Yakovleva N.D., Gramidina M.S.Stalin I.V.and the act of receiving tests of the first sample of the gun of the gun (SPO-2).December 20, 1942
Dates 20 декабря 1942 г.
Notes RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 73. L. 125-144.RGASPI.F. 644. Op.2. D. 117. L. 71-95.Sending and genuine specimens
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 644. Оп. 1. Д. 73. Л. 125-144; Оп. 2. Д. 117. Л. 71-95
Original location Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Rosarchive
Creator СССР. Государственный Комитет Обороны. СССР. Вооруженные силы
Display format