Identifier | 18756f3f-5b6e-458b-a1ad-f1f5ffccb0c4 |
Title | A report note to the Supreme Administrative Commission, with the application of the statement of cases of state crimes |
Dates | 1880 |
Notes | The title of the case on the folder: A memo of the Supreme Administrative Commission with the application of the statement of state crimesSheets: on sheet 11 of the document - old leaving inscriptions;12 - clean after a sheet with old assessors;9 - damaged (torn)Manuscript text |
Text language | Russian |
Level | Case |
Call number | ГА РФ. 569 / 1 / 86 |
Cataloguing source | GA_RF |
Series | Inventory of the Foundation of M.T. Loris-Melikova for 1858-1915. |
Extent | 10 sheets |
Fonds | Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarilovich, Count, Minister of Internal Affairs, Chief Head of the "Supreme Administrative Commission for the Protective of State Order and Public Calm", General from Cavalry |
Summary | It is included in the section of the inventory: Materials related to the activities of Loris-Melikova M. T. in the Supreme Administrative Commission |
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