Identifier d6a486bd-1714-49d7-a37a-abae3b6b4501 Title Chancellery of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.Inventory of the third branch of the third table Dates 1882 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number РГИА. 472 / 27 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 118 units. Fonds Канцелярия Министерства Императорского двора File РГИА. 472 / 27 / 1. The case of the resumption and conclusion of contracts with the artists of the imperial theaters, about the determination and dismissal of them from the service РГИА. 472 / 27 / 10. The case, at the request of different persons and societies on the resolution of their concerts, masquerades, lotteries and other amusements РГИА. 472 / 27 / 100. The case at the request of the artist of the Imperial theaters Descars on the addition of a penalty of 12,000 rubles for leaving the scene earlier than the contract РГИА. 472 / 27 / 101. The case of the production of the sums of his Majesty’s office to academician Antokolsky for the acquisition of two statues "Peter the Great" and "dying Socrates" of life content of 2000 rubles a year.Immediately about paying money to the seller of Petit paintings and painter Laurence РГИА. 472 / 27 / 102. The case in relation to the Minister of Internal Affairs about the approval of the Charter of the Overbekovsky Society of choral singing in Moscow РГИА. 472 / 27 / 103. The case, at the request of different persons and societies on permission to artists of imperial theaters, participate in performances and concerts РГИА. 472 / 27 / 104. The case of providing different persons of free places in imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 105. The case of awarding artists of imperial theaters medals РГИА. 472 / 27 / 106. The case of the appointment of a morning performance at the Bolshoi Theater on the day of the 48-year anniversary of the appearance for the first time on the imperial theaters of the Opera of the composer Glinka "Life for the Tsar" and the 40-year anniversary of his other opera, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" РГИА. 472 / 27 / 107. The case of the delivery to his Majesty’s military office of the copy of the publication "Holy Coronation in 1856" to send Prince Arisugava to Japan РГИА. 472 / 27 / 108. The case of businessing abroad with the pensioner content of students of the Imperial Academy of Arts Savinsky, Seleznev, Vasiliev and Kotov РГИА. 472 / 27 / 109. The case of the payment of money to the Board of the Baltic Railway Society for the travels of artists and other persons to the city of Peterhof on the occasion of the performances that former there РГИА. 472 / 27 / 11. The case of the release of objects from customs with images of a person of the imperial surname РГИА. 472 / 27 / 110. The case of the remuneration of the entrepreneurs of the French troupe Shirman and Dedone, and the award of him and other artists of this troupe for the performance at the highest yard in Gatchina.Immediately about the reward of the musicians of the French orchestra and other persons of the department Der РГИА. 472 / 27 / 111. The case of the highest command to introduce it to the imperial majesty a complete list of paintings ordered in Bose to the deceased Alexander II, with marks, where there are such РГИА. 472 / 27 / 112. The case at the request of the Council of the Palm on the permission to put in the newspapers "Theater" and "Spectator" some information from the Directorate of Imperial Theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 113. The case of providing the commander of the imperial main apartment and the chief of the protection of His Majesty to visit the imperial theaters of a large, middle royal bed РГИА. 472 / 27 / 114. The case at the request of the head of the Berlin Royal Library of Major Dunker about permission to deliver to him for his own imperial majesty of the library of the "political correspondence of Friedrich the Great" issued by him РГИА. 472 / 27 / 115. The case at the request of the Kharkov City Duma on the replenishment of the city museum of graceful arts established in the city of Kharkov by art works from the doubles of the Imperial Hermitage and the Imperial Palaces РГИА. 472 / 27 / 116. The case of the reward of the singer of the Italian opera Marconi for his participation in the performance outside the contract РГИА. 472 / 27 / 117. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on permission to continue the representations of the opera "Merchant Kalashnikov" removed from the repertoire of the opera РГИА. 472 / 27 / 118. The case of a granting pianist Esipova for a concert of a gift from his Majesty's office РГИА. 472 / 27 / 12. The case of the appointment of benefits and semi -Benes to artists of imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 13. The case of various subjects offered to buy the emperor РГИА. 472 / 27 / 14. Дело о составлении комиссии для осмотра императорских театров в Санкт-Петербурге в видах ограждения общественной безопасности РГИА. 472 / 27 / 15. The case of permitting to different persons to copy arts in the imperial palaces and Hermitage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 16. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the appointment of singer Slavina instead of her occupied by her in the Alexandrinsky Theater of the state apartment in another in the Jesuit house РГИА. 472 / 27 / 17. The case at the request of the Russian Board of the Society of Salvation on the waters of the permitted by the state adviser to the theological to arrange a telephone for the message of the Imperial Big Moscow Theater with the hall of his apartment РГИА. 472 / 27 / 18. The case at the request of the retired college adviser Nikolai Lebedev to issue him a manual for the printing of his three works РГИА. 472 / 27 / 19. 7 l. РГИА. 472 / 27 / 2. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the dismissal from the service of the overseer of the Moscow Theater School Fedorova and on the determination of the widow of Captain Golovina in her place РГИА. 472 / 27 / 20. The case at the request of the hereditary honorary citizen Karataev on the granting of him a manual in the amount of 2000 rubles for the publication to continue to compose his "Description of the Slavic-Russian books" РГИА. 472 / 27 / 21. The Case of the Charter of the St. Petersburg Artistic Society РГИА. 472 / 27 / 22. The case of a statement by the state secretary of his Imperial Majesty on the adoption of petitions, information about the service of artists of imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 23. The case of a report by the director of the imperial Hermitage about the allocation of a loan for the cost of restoring three paintings "Fight at Chesme" РГИА. 472 / 27 / 24. The case of the production of the content of the Pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts РГИА. 472 / 27 / 25. The case in relation to His Majesty’s office about the invitation of an artist for a meeting when considering VAZ projects intended for preparation at the Kolyvan grinding factory РГИА. 472 / 27 / 26. The case of permission to issue a spectacular fee to the artists of imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 27. The case of the reports of the Moscow Art Society РГИА. 472 / 27 / 28. The case of musical works dedicated and brought by their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 29. The case of approval: 1) the temporary provision on the remuneration of the authors of dramatic works and operas;2) the temporary charter of the theater-literary committee;3) the temporary charter of the opera committee;and 4) the rules for the internal management of the imperial РГИА. 472 / 27 / 3. The case at the request of the daughter of the real state adviser Elena Markovskaya to accept her at the service of the artist to the imperial theaters and to grant her a manual for returning from abroad РГИА. 472 / 27 / 30. The case of the reports of the director of the Imperial Hermitage about the release of money for him to purchase some works and artistic items and for the payment of the master of Isota for the manufacture of bronze columns for him for the Hermitage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 31. The case of the return of his Great Highness to Prince Alexander Gessensky 2311 marks 85 Pfennigs, held by Him with Highness by order for the emperor Alexander Nikolayevich Skulptor Echelier of a marble copy from the Mo -Minut РГИА. 472 / 27 / 32. The case at the request of the artists of the imperial theaters on the enrollment of them the previous service to the now continued РГИА. 472 / 27 / 33. The case at the request of the former artist of the Imperial theaters of Sofia Legat on the issuance of the son of the Bolshoi Theater to Konstantin Legat Say РГИА. 472 / 27 / 34. The case of a note as the director of the imperial theaters, whether the posters should be delivered to the palaces of now, which were terminated on the occasion of the death of the deceased Emperor Alexander Nikolayevich РГИА. 472 / 27 / 35. The case of a report on the director of imperial theaters on approval in the actual service of artists and other persons of St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters from the date of their receipt for service РГИА. 472 / 27 / 36. The case at the request of the President of the Imperial Academy of Arts on the Giving of the Academy from the Monar Genero for its artistic activity 30,000 rubles annually РГИА. 472 / 27 / 37. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the assignment of Shishkov, Bocharov and Andreev to make decorations for local theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 38. The case of benefits to artists and other persons of imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 39. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the satisfaction of the salary of the employment of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, for a foreign correspondence, French citizen rang РГИА. 472 / 27 / 4. The case of literary works, brought and dedicated to their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 40. The case of sending paintings in Moscow in the Anichkov Palace and in the Imperial Peterhof Farm РГИА. 472 / 27 / 41. The case at the request of different persons about the outcome of them a manual for the end of musical education РГИА. 472 / 27 / 42. The case at the request of a student of the Imperial Academy of Arts of Matte on permission to challenge portraits of their imperial majesties on a tree РГИА. 472 / 27 / 43. The case of the addition of the ballet troupe of the imperial Moscow theaters of Chumicheli duty for education in the theater school РГИА. 472 / 27 / 44. The case of ordering a portrait of the sovereign Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich of the Imperial Academy of Arts for the State Council РГИА. 472 / 27 / 45. The case of the order of the Imperial Academy of Arts of the Emperor Emperor for all present places of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for the State Council and the Committee of Ministers РГИА. 472 / 27 / 46. The case of the restructuring of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater.Immediately about the translation of the Italian opera from Bolshoi to the Mariinsky Theater on the occasion of alterations РГИА. 472 / 27 / 47. The case at the request of the wife of the college secretary Levenson to provide her husband in the rental of the land of the land at the Petrovsky Theater in Moscow.Immediately, at the request of the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Sofia Shein about the rental of a plot of land in Petrov РГИА. 472 / 27 / 48. The case of the issuance of portioned money to the persons of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 49. The case of the main scientific library in New York (The Astor Library) of a copy of the composition: "Les antiquities du bosphore cimmrien РГИА. 472 / 27 / 5. The case of sacred objects brought by their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 50. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the approval of the artists of the indicated theaters from foreigners from the date of their adoption of Russian citizenship in the actual service РГИА. 472 / 27 / 51. The case in relation to the commander of the troops of the guard and the St. Petersburg Military District on permission to give performances at the Krasnoselsky Theater by artists of the Imperial theaters during the camp gathering of troops under the red village РГИА. 472 / 27 / 52. The case of a business trip as the director of imperial theaters abroad for service РГИА. 472 / 27 / 53. The case of awarding writers of Ostrovsky, Averkiev and Potekhin for their works in the commission to develop transformations on the artificial part of the imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 54. The case at the request of the pensioner Nikolaevsky in Berlin of the hospital Wilhelm Dreger to give this institution of portraits of the sovereign Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich and in the Bose of the resting emperor Alexander II РГИА. 472 / 27 / 55. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the appointment of the Director of the Bolshoi Theater Wagner of the annual fee of 2000 rubles for the performance of the driver's duties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 56. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the release from the theater school, to serve the imperial theaters of pupils and pupils.Immediately about the new form for the pupils of this school РГИА. 472 / 27 / 57. The transfer case, at the highest command, stored at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of some products of the former trellis manufactory in the Gatchinsky Palace, to the Museum of the Court of the Stables and the Anichkovsky Palace РГИА. 472 / 27 / 58. The case of paying for different accounts РГИА. 472 / 27 / 59. The case at the request of different persons about the definition of children to the theater school РГИА. 472 / 27 / 6. The case of essays and works of art, submitted for censorship to the Ministry of the Imperial Court РГИА. 472 / 27 / 60. The case on the report of the President of the Moscow Palace Office on the award of the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the copy of the "Antiquity of the Russian State" РГИА. 472 / 27 / 61. The case of the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Dance Hall of the Tauride Palace to adapt to the production of decoration work РГИА. 472 / 27 / 62. The case in relation to the Minister of Internal Affairs about the permitting Swedish subject of Karl Nelson to open a dance school in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 27 / 63. The case of medals and coins transferred to the imperial Hermitage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 64. The case on the report of the President of the Moscow Palace Office on the award of Senator Rovinsky a copy of the edition of the "antiquity of the Russian state" РГИА. 472 / 27 / 65. The case of the appointment of the two music choirs of the first brigade of the First Guards Cavalry Division of the annual from the sums of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of the Play of the Game of these choirs at the highest court and in the performances of the imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 66. The case in relation to the Moscow Governor-General about the forbidden to sell in buffets in imperial theaters of strong drinks РГИА. 472 / 27 / 67. The case of approving projects of medals of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts РГИА. 472 / 27 / 68. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial Hermitage about the prone of the three Italian hemms in the Moscow weapons chamber for two bowls and one casket of the ancient Russian case belonging to the Hermitage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 69. The case on the report of the President of the Moscow Palace Office on the transfer to the Museum of the Imperial Odessa Society of the History and Antiquities of Russian one of the portraits of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, stored in the Moscow weapon РГИА. 472 / 27 / 7. The case of different subjects brought by their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 70. The case of the return to the English Peterhof Palace from the Imperial Hermitage of portraits of Empress Catherine II РГИА. 472 / 27 / 71. The case of increasing salaries of salary to artists of imperial theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 72. The case of literary works, brought and dedicated to their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 27 / 73. The case of the approval of the charter of the Drama School of St. Petersburg Society of Fans of stage art РГИА. 472 / 27 / 74. The case of a report of the director of imperial theaters temporarily correcting the position of buying forty horses for the theater crew РГИА. 472 / 27 / 75. The case at the request of the President of the Imperial Academy of Arts on the appropriation: 1) 900 rubles for the device for field sketches of the Academy of Arts of the seventy -five prayers and 2) 1050 rubles to pay for an oak cabinet intended for a collector РГИА. 472 / 27 / 76. The case on the report of the Ober-Hoffmar on the payment of money to the factor of the printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences Gelda for the printing of catalogs of paintings by the Imperial Hermitage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 77. The case of awarding by orders of foreigners who contributed to the conclusion of the conditions of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the Society of French Drama Writers and Composers РГИА. 472 / 27 / 78. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the issuance of mutual individuals engaged to the choir and orchestra of Moscow theaters to travel to Moscow up to 5,000 rubles РГИА. 472 / 27 / 79. The case of reports as the director of imperial theaters on the approval of persons to the positions determined by the highly approved state, and on the permission of the production of salaries laid down by these states РГИА. 472 / 27 / 8. Papers that do not constitute special affairs РГИА. 472 / 27 / 80. The case of the issuance of money to the artists of imperial theaters is inconsistent with a salary РГИА. 472 / 27 / 81. The case of the issuance of warrior money to the costumer of the imperial theaters Demov to return to his homeland РГИА. 472 / 27 / 82. The case of the provision of the former singer of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters to Komissarzhevsky to give several tour on the Moscow stage РГИА. 472 / 27 / 83. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the issuance to the chief director of the German troupe of the side of 450 marks, to the return of the actress Lauber consumed by him when inviting to the indicated troupe of actress РГИА. 472 / 27 / 84. The case of the issuance to artists of the Imperial theaters of salary during the time expired by them on vacation РГИА. 472 / 27 / 85. The case of the issuance of his Majesty from the Cabinet to the real state adviser Grimm 1000 rubles to the return of the manifesto of the Queen Evdokia Feodorovna paid by him for the historical document РГИА. 472 / 27 / 86. The case of paying 3,000 rubles to the commissioner of the highest court Beggrov for the chromolithographic work performed by him from the watercolor of Academician GAU, depicting an office in a bose of the resting emperor Alexander II.Immediately about the award of chromolitographic drawing РГИА. 472 / 27 / 87. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the increase in the fee of the Music Choir of the Life Guards of the Horse Regiment and on the appointment of the same payment to the musician choir of the Finland Regiment, for their participation in Italian and Russian vehicles РГИА. 472 / 27 / 88. The case of enrolling the singer of the Russian opera Orlov and the teacher of the choirs of the Russian opera and the artist of Vermazansky in the actual service of the time spent by them in the court singing chapel РГИА. 472 / 27 / 89. The case of the competition for the construction of a monument to Rafael Sanzio intended in the city of Urbino РГИА. 472 / 27 / 9. The case of the dismissal of artists of imperial theaters on vacation abroad and in the inner provinces of Russia РГИА. 472 / 27 / 90. The case of opening a loan for expenses to update the material part of St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters РГИА. 472 / 27 / 91. The case of a report on the director of the imperial theaters on the approval of some expenses suggested at the musical office РГИА. 472 / 27 / 92. The case of the transfer of the Adjutant General of the Emperor of the German von Verder album, donated by King Prussian, in the Bose of the resting Empress Alexandra Fedorovna РГИА. 472 / 27 / 93. The case of lowering prices for places in German performances РГИА. 472 / 27 / 94. The resignation case for some artists of the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters of the title of artists of imperial theaters remaining behind the state РГИА. 472 / 27 / 95. The case at the request of the pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts Khmelevsky and Dunaev on the provision of additional deferrals for the execution of military service for the end of education РГИА. 472 / 27 / 96. The case of conducting phones from imperial theaters to different places РГИА. 472 / 27 / 97. The case of the appointment of the next performances of the Russian dramatic and German troupes in the days free from the performances in the Mariinsky Theater РГИА. 472 / 27 / 98. The case of the vacation to the head of the decoration warehouses and the master's imperial theaters Captain Kalashnikov Avansion for expenses for the fake part РГИА. 472 / 27 / 99. The case of a report on the director of the Imperial theaters on the appointment of money to the director of the Italian opera de-Senya for roads for service Display format Archival description RUSMARC