Identifier 4a9ab403-66ba-4ec9-bbd8-469ccea687e5 Title Chancellery of the Ministry of the Imperial Court Dates 1884 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number РГИА. 472 / 44 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 36 units. Fonds Канцелярия Министерства Императорского двора File РГИА. 472 / 44 / 1. The case of traveling their imperial majesties РГИА. 472 / 44 / 1. Дело по путешествиям их императорских величеств РГИА. 472 / 44 / 10. The case of orders on the occasion of his Majesty King Romanian РГИА. 472 / 44 / 11. The case of resolving a German visa artist and his assistant Bauer to settle for a while in Blovezhe to write studies and sketches from the bison РГИА. 472 / 44 / 12. Different correspondence РГИА. 472 / 44 / 13. The case of awarding of the German service persons and medals РГИА. 472 / 44 / 14. The case of the arrival of Her Majesty Queen Hellenes to Russia РГИА. 472 / 44 / 15. The case of the highest trip to Belovezh, Sleep and to the southern coast of Crimea in 1900 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 16. The case of the arrival of their royal highs of the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess of the Hessian РГИА. 472 / 44 / 17. The case of the transfer of the Holy Synod of a free hospital and the hospital for the coming sick Emperor Nicholas II under the Kiev conventional general monastery, with a vacation for maintenance from the treasury of 80,000 rubles per year РГИА. 472 / 44 / 18. The case of the arrival of Her Majesty Queen Hellenes РГИА. 472 / 44 / 19. The case of awarding of foreigners РГИА. 472 / 44 / 2. The case of the cause of the fire, which was on the night of December 4 to 5, 1892, in his own Majesty Palace РГИА. 472 / 44 / 20. The case on the arrival of the amounts of the amounts issued at the disposal of Mr. Minister, for the costs of traveling their majesty abroad and Russia, in the fall of 1901 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 21. The case of awarding orders, medals and gifts on the occasion of the highest trip to France РГИА. 472 / 44 / 22. The case of the arrival of his royal Highness of the Herzdsog Franz-Ferdinand of Austrian in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 44 / 23. The case at the request of the widow of the outbuilding adjutant Nesokochitskaya about the addition of 50,000 rubles of debt listed on its estates РГИА. 472 / 44 / 24. The case at the request of Countess Grokholskaya about permission to her from the law, bequeath the cousin of her husband to Count Trikholsky her estate "Prozobelovka" РГИА. 472 / 44 / 25. The case of the arrival of their majesties of the King and Queen of the Hellenes, Prince Christian Danish, Duke and Duchess of Sparta and the marriage of her imperial highness of the Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna with Korolevich Nikolai Greek РГИА. 472 / 44 / 26. The case of the arrival of his royal Highness Prince Ferdinand Bulgarian (awards) РГИА. 472 / 44 / 27. The case of the arrival of the Japanese prince Komatets in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 44 / 28. The case of the arrival of the Japanese prince Komatets in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 44 / 29. The case of the method of implementing urban and extracurricular roads in St. Petersburg and the formation of a joint-stock company for the construction and operation of electric trams and electric railways in St. Petersburg and Moscow РГИА. 472 / 44 / 3. The case of awards on the occasion of the highest trip to Darmstadt РГИА. 472 / 44 / 30. The case of the order of presentation for awarding orders in some cases РГИА. 472 / 44 / 31. The case of the awards of the Russian Service by the Oldenburg insignia on the occasion of the arrival of the Grand Duke of Oldenburgs to Russia РГИА. 472 / 44 / 32. The case of the arrival of His Majesty King Victor-Emmanuel Italian РГИА. 472 / 44 / 33. The case of the arrival of His Majesty King Victor-Emmanuel Italian РГИА. 472 / 44 / 34. The case of the petitions of the widow of Colonel Baroness Elena Fedorovna Credener (born Baroness von Der Osten-Drisen) РГИА. 472 / 44 / 35. The case of awarding by Turkish insignia on the occasion of the stay of the Turkish embassy in Livadia in 1902 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 36. The case of the arrival of money released at the disposal of Mr. Minister, as well as gifts from the office of His Majesty, during the highest trip to maneuvers near Kursk and Crimea, in the fall of 1902 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 4. The case of awards on the occasion of the highest trip in 1896 to France РГИА. 472 / 44 / 5. The case of the highest trip to the city of Kyiv, Austria, Germany, Denmark, England and France in 1896 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 6. The case of the journey of their imperial majesties to Denmark РГИА. 472 / 44 / 7. The case of awarding of the German Service on the occasion of the highest trip in 1896 РГИА. 472 / 44 / 8. The case of the enrollment of the Siamese prince of Chakrabon and his comrade found in his Majesty Corps РГИА. 472 / 44 / 9. The case of awarding by Siamese insignia on the occasion of the departure from Russia Prince Chakrabon Display format Archival description RUSMARC