Ciphers of the temporary attorney in the affairs of the USSR in the UK A.A.Sobolev in the NWKI of the USSR with information abou...

Title Ciphers of the temporary attorney in the affairs of the USSR in the UK A.A.Sobolev in the NWKI of the USSR with information about the British secret plan of propaganda in the Soviet Union during the war.1st copies.Sendings.July 30, 1943
Dates 30 июля 1943 г.
Notes AVP of the Russian Federation.F. 059. Op.10. P. 8. D. 60. L. 59-56.
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number АВП РФ. Ф. 059. Оп. 10. П. 8. Д. 60. Л. 59-56
Original location Архив внешней политики Российской Федерации
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Rosarchive
Creator СССР. Министерство иностранных дел
Display format