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FundF. 730. Commission on the establishment of public schoolsInventoryOP.2. Journals of meetings and the definitions of the commission;statements of orders of public charity on the state and budget of schools, teachers, and the successes of studentsCaseRGIA.F. 730 op.2 D. 470Vedomosti on the state of public schools of the Irkutsk province of 1796.April 2 - June 27, 1796Identifier5edb9701-86BD-4CF9-B3C5-F83270AB44BFThe language of the textrusNameVedomosti on the state of public schools of the Irkutsk province of 1796.April 2 - June 27, 1796DatesApril 2 - June 27, 1796Volume3 l.LevelCaseOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.730 /2 /470NoteLudwig Nagel;secretary;Channelian Grigory KulikovOrig.Title of the case: The case is the commission on the establishment of schools from the Irkutsk order of public charity.As a result of the charter about public schools §71, presented when notifying from the ruling position of the director of public schools, Mr. Chairman of Konstantinov about the state of the Irkutsk Chief and Verkhneudinsky Small Public Schools, the sheet is adopted at the same time.April 2, 1796 - June 27, 1796 |