Ciphers the ambassador of the USSR in the UK F.T.Guseva in the NKKU USSR about a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affai...

Title Ciphers the ambassador of the USSR in the UK F.T.Guseva in the NKKU USSR about a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain A. Eden in connection with the upcoming operation to land allied troops in Normandy.1st copies.Sendings.June 3, 1944
Dates 3 июня 1944 г.
Notes AVP of the Russian Federation.F. 059. Op.12. P. 28. D. 165. L. 48-47.
Text language Русский
Call number АВП РФ. Ф. 059. Оп. 12. П. 28. Д. 165. Л. 48-47
Original location Архив внешней политики Российской Федерации
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