Identifier b26dff15-f80b-4696-ad68-f6c68df60cad Title Chancellery of the Ministry of the Imperial Court Dates 1909 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number RGIA.472 /45 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 94 units. Fonds Канцелярия Министерства Императорского двора File РГИА. 472 / 45 / 1. Personal correspondence of Mr. Minister РГИА. 472 / 45 / 10. The case of a complaint to the court ranks and ranks on January 1 and March 26, 1909 РГИА. 472 / 45 / 10. The case of a complaint to the court ranks and the title for Holy Easter on March 29, 1909 РГИА. 472 / 45 / 10. The case of a complaint to the court ranks and ranks on April 15, May 6, June 27, June 19, 22 and 23, August 10 and 20, October 11, and November 5, and 14, 1909 РГИА. 472 / 45 / 10. The case of awards in court ranks and ranks for December 6, 1909 РГИА. 472 / 45 / 11. The case of awards in Stats-Dama, the Order of St. Catherine and Freilin РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 12. Telegrams and congratulations on the highest name with an expression of loyal feelings РГИА. 472 / 45 / 13. The case of sending the Code of Laws on the Instruction РГИА. 472 / 45 / 14. The case of the persons who seem to his imperial majesty and the highest person РГИА. 472 / 45 / 14. The case of the persons who seem to his imperial majesty and the highest person РГИА. 472 / 45 / 15. The case of awarding with orders and medals, and gifts (except in cases of arrival of the highest foreign persons) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 17. The case of the death of his imperial highness Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 18. The case of orders on the occasion of the funeral of the court РГИА. 472 / 45 / 19. The case of the arrival of the Japanese Prince Cooney РГИА. 472 / 45 / 2. Correspondence in various items that do not make up a special business РГИА. 472 / 45 / 20. The case of the arrival of the Montenegrin Crown Prince Daniel (incognito) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 21. The case of the arrival of the Duke of Ernest Saksen-Altenburg РГИА. 472 / 45 / 22. The case of the arrival of His Majesty King Bulgarian Ferdinand and the military delegation to the funeral of his imperial highness Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 23. The case of the arrival of the Japanese prince and princesses to Russia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 24. The case with lists of individuals living with relatives in state apartments РГИА. 472 / 45 / 25. The case of the arrival of her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna and King of Greek Nikolai РГИА. 472 / 45 / 26. The case of the arrival of Prince Frederick Leopold Prussian and the deputation of the Prussian Tyringen Guards Husarsky No. 12 of the regiment РГИА. 472 / 45 / 27. The case of the arrival of the Archduke of the Austrian Friedrich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 28. The case of the arrival of Her Highness Grand Duchess Maria Aleksandrovna, Duchess of Saxen-Koburg-Gotsky РГИА. 472 / 45 / 29. The case of the arrival of the Extraordinary Chinese Embassy in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 45 / 3. The case of the personnel of the third office work РГИА. 472 / 45 / 30. The case of the arrival of Princess Victoria Battenberg Victoria to Moscow РГИА. 472 / 45 / 31. The case of the arrival of Her Majesty Queen Hellenes РГИА. 472 / 45 / 32. The case of the issuance of benefits to various persons and institutions from the amounts of his Majesty’s office and from other amounts (except for advance) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 33. The case of the arrival of the King and Queen of the Danish РГИА. 472 / 45 / 34. The case of arrival in Russia, in St. Petersburg deputies from the 1st Prussian 1st Guards Grenadier Emperor Alexander III regiment РГИА. 472 / 45 / 35. The case of the journey of Her Majesty Empress Empress Maria Feodorovna to England, Italy and Greece РГИА. 472 / 45 / 36. The case of the Sevastopol Museum РГИА. 472 / 45 / 37. The case of the arrival of the Extraordinary Turkish Embassy in St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 45 / 38. The case of the arrival of the Patriarch of Echmiadzin, Catholicos of all Armenians Matevos Izmirlyan РГИА. 472 / 45 / 39. The case of the journey of their imperial majesties to Finland skewers and a date with the emperor German at the Standart raid РГИА. 472 / 45 / 4. The case with the petitions and petitions of different persons РГИА. 472 / 45 / 4. The case with the petitions and petitions of different persons РГИА. 472 / 45 / 40. The case of the journey of their imperial majesties to Sweden РГИА. 472 / 45 / 41. The case of the arrival of the Dukes of the Mecklenburg: Pavel Friedrich of Meklenburg and Johann Albrecht, regent of Braunschweig РГИА. 472 / 45 / 42. The case of the arrival of deputies from the 14th Hussar Austrian Regiment to St. Petersburg РГИА. 472 / 45 / 43. The case of issuing prizes for better shooting РГИА. 472 / 45 / 44. The case of the Nevsky yacht club РГИА. 472 / 45 / 45. The case of resolving the All -Russian flying club temporarily use the Gatchina military field РГИА. 472 / 45 / 46. The case of His Majesty's Travel to the city of Poltava on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava РГИА. 472 / 45 / 47. The case of the arrival of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna with Prince Wilhelm Swedish РГИА. 472 / 45 / 48. The case of the journey of her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Maria Feodorovna to Denmark РГИА. 472 / 45 / 49. The case of arrival in Russia on the Krasnoselsky maneuvers of the British Army General Sir Yan Hamilton РГИА. 472 / 45 / 5. Personal correspondence of the master of the office of the Ministry РГИА. 472 / 45 / 50. The case of his Majesty by the sovereign emperor of a one -time membership fee in 52 franc 10 shillings in the Marlborough Club in London РГИА. 472 / 45 / 51. The case at the request of Van der Khoven about permission to the publication of the reference book "Svitsky Almanac" РГИА. 472 / 45 / 52. The case of the issuance of foreign [trains] РГИА. 472 / 45 / 53. The case of the arrival of her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Vera Konstantinovna, Duchess of Virtemberg РГИА. 472 / 45 / 54. The case of the arrival of her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna with the august husband of the Koruvich Greek Nikolai to the burial of the body in the Bose of the deceased Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 55. The case of the arrival of her imperial highness of the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, the Duchess [Princess] Zyudermanland with her husband, Prince Wilhelm Swedish to burial the body in Bose of the deceased Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 56. The case of the death of his Imperial Highness Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich on December 5, 1909 in the city of Cannes in France РГИА. 472 / 45 / 57. The case of the arrivals of the highest foreign persons and deputies, and representatives for the burial in the Bose of the emperor Highness of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich: 1) Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna;2) Cronprint and Danish princesses;3) Prince РГИА. 472 / 45 / 58. The case of the death of the chief-hofmeister of Vsevolozhsky РГИА. 472 / 45 / 6. The case with the applications of books, reports, brochures, notes, other publications and so on РГИА. 472 / 45 / 60. The case of orders on the occasion of the funeral of the ranks of the Ministry of the Imperial Court and the persons related to the ministry РГИА. 472 / 45 / 61. The case of the arrival of the Crown Duke of Adolf Friedrich Meklenburg-Strelitsky РГИА. 472 / 45 / 62. The case of a gift to their Majesty Emperor and Empress Empress Alexander Theodorovna Swedish royal couple of a porcelain vase РГИА. 472 / 45 / 63. The case of resolving the air for the attending of flights in the Gatchina military field РГИА. 472 / 45 / 64. The case of the death of Princess Maria Danish РГИА. 472 / 45 / 65. The case at the request of the Princess of Georgian Elisabeth Bagratid РГИА. 472 / 45 / 66. The case of the marriage of the Duke of Johann Albert Mecklenburg with Princess Braunschweig РГИА. 472 / 45 / 67. The Case of the King of the Belgians РГИА. 472 / 45 / 68. The case of the death of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitsky РГИА. 472 / 45 / 69. The case of the provision of court crews РГИА. 472 / 45 / 7. The point with demanding shows for educational money, added to the holidays of Holy Easter and the Nativity of Christ, and apartment money РГИА. 472 / 45 / 70. The case at the request of the heirs of the late Eligel Adjutant Neskochitsky РГИА. 472 / 45 / 71. The case of reimbursement of expenses to the St. Petersburg mayor for printing and transportation of tickets for driveways for various cases (at sad ceremonies) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 72. The case of free of charge by the highest command of the Society of Natural Sciences in the Reichenbach stuffed dousy РГИА. 472 / 45 / 73. The case of the arrival of the Extraordinary Turkish Embassy in Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 74. The case of awarding by Bukhara orders and medals on the occasion of His Highness of Emir of Bukhara in Yalta in 1909 РГИА. 472 / 45 / 75. The case of the journey of their imperial majesties on the Bandard yacht to France and England through Germany by the Kil channel РГИА. 472 / 45 / 76. The case of His Majesty's Journey to Italy in October 1909 (Rakconiji) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 76. The case of His Majesty's Journey to Italy in October 1909 (Rakconiji) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 76. The case of His Majesty's Journey to Italy in October 1909 (Rakconiji) РГИА. 472 / 45 / 77. The case of the highest trip from Livadia to Moscow in 1909, but canceled in view of the death of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. The case of the highest journey in 1909 to Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. The case of the highest journey in 1909 to Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. Дело о высочайшем путешествии в 1909 году в Ливадию РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. The case of the highest journey in 1909 to Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. The case of the highest journey in 1909 to Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 78. The case of the highest journey in 1909 to Livadia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 79. The case on the issue of the provision of a henitable citizen Genokh Elchones with a family of widespread residence in Russia РГИА. 472 / 45 / 8. The case of the provision of premises in the Imperial Tauride Palace РГИА. 472 / 45 / 9. The case of the provision of palace premises, except for the Tauride Palace Display format Archival description RUSMARC