Order of the USSR GKO No. 3721 C to ensure a carbon projectile preparation of ammunition industry plants in the 3rd quarter of 1...

Title Order of the USSR GKO No. 3721 C to ensure a carbon projectile preparation of ammunition industry plants in the 3rd quarter of 1943, with the application of the order of orders, a report note by Mikoyan A.I., Beria L.P., Voznesensky by N. A. Molotov V. M.and certificates on the withdrawn orders of various consumers for captivity
Dates July 10, 1943
Notes Sending and genuine specimens
Text language Russian
Call number RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 132. L. 109-116;OP.2. D. 189. L. 54-64
Original location Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
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