Order of the USSR GKO No. 3764 on supplementing to the Decree of the GKO No. 3581 C of June 15, 1943 "On measures of emergency a...

Title Order of the USSR GKO No. 3764 on supplementing to the Decree of the GKO No. 3581 C of June 15, 1943 "On measures of emergency assistance to the mines of the Kuznetsk basin to increase production and improve the quality of coking coal".July 18, 1943
Dates 18 июля 1943 г.
Notes RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 134. L. 239-239ob.RGASPI.F. 644. Op.2. D. 192. L. 81-81Sending and genuine specimens
Text language Русский
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 644. Оп. 1. Д. 134. Л. 239-239об.; Оп. 2. Д. 192. Л. 81-81об.
Original location Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
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