Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3817 on providing with oak extracted raw materials of the tanning and exploskal industry of the P...

Title Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3817 on providing with oak extracted raw materials of the tanning and exploskal industry of the People's Commissariat of Light Industry in the 2nd half of 1943, with the application of the procurement plan and distribution statements.July 27, 1943
Dates 27 июля 1943 г.
Notes RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 138. L. 129-135.RGASPI.F. 644. Op.2. D. 196. L. 181-187.Sending and genuine specimens
Text language Русский
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 644. Оп. 1. Д. 138. Л. 129-135; Оп. 2. Д. 196. Л. 181-187
Original location Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
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