The order of the USSR GKO No. 3835 on the mobilization of the non -working population of Tomsk for the restoration of the pencil...

Title The order of the USSR GKO No. 3835 on the mobilization of the non -working population of Tomsk for the restoration of the pencil factory of the People's Commissariat of the Local Industry of the RSFSR in Tomsk.July 31, 1943
Dates 31 июля 1943 г.
Notes RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 139. L. 177. RGASPI.F. 644. Op.2. D. 198. L. 86. Sending and genuine copies
Text language Русский
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 644. Оп. 1. Д. 139. Л. 177; Оп. 2. Д. 198. Л. 86
Original location Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
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