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Assistor Evgraf Milokhov;Secretary Ivan ShubinOrig Title of the case: the matter is the main school government from the Simbirsk order of public charity of the Simbirsk People's Schools Director, Mr. Out -in -Chief Maslyanitsky presented the orders of the Simbirsk province composed by him about the state of public schools of the Simbirsk province for the second 1791 Half of the Vedium with the explanation of the first time of the first time of 1 and 2 and 2The classes of the teacher explained that the students were left without a translation of 1 to 2 grade for the following reasons: hutin - from taking Mr. Filippini to the house by infancy and a weak concept, Zharinov - by lamity and not 137 days, Pavlov - by a weak concept, Ivanova - according toThe cause of lamity and by the will of the parent, Leontyev - by weakness and excommunication 118 times, Ladyzhechkin, Zakharov and Yurasov - because of the stupidity and non -use of the first - 60, the second - 128, and the third - 25 days and due to illness, and thenAlekseev - 80 times, Vasiliev - because of the absence in the village, he did not learn the tables of identification of the letters and by his weakness in the letter, heavyweights - because of weakness and non -rejection 111 days, out of 2 to 3 classes, daily - for frequent heights, andMore - by learning and unwillingness to teach, for in the past 1790 he did not go to class 127, and in 1791 - 118 days, and he did not have hopes in it, by the inattention of the Kozlov - by the will of the parent,And about those who remained without a translation from 3 to 4 grades [three], Fastryatsky and Kartashev in half -year lists it indicates: the first - that he was weak and was not at school at school 522 times, late 360 times, about the second - that was weak, which was weak, which was weak, which was weak.He was not 669 at the school, late 195 times, and the third - due to the disposal of the school by the will of the parent, in the 4th grade remained at the school to repeat all the objects of this class by the will of the parents - Vysotsky, Orlov and Kartashev in Samara: about Samara: Aboutthe remaining without transfer to the 1st grade of Pyatov, Tagantsov and Zhzhigin in the six -month list it is that the first seven years and was not in the classroom 86 times, the second stupid, was not in the class 87 times, the third was in the classroom and was not in the classroom 123 timesAccording to Syzranu in the 2nd grade, Petr Bogdanov did not graduate from dullness and non -being in the class 392 times, delay - 268 times to Karsun: not transferred from 1 to 2 grade: foolishness - because of slowness, non -focus and not in the class 245 times, Kichigin - because of the infancy and non -class in class 247 timesAccording to Alatyr: SamoIld - seven years due to weakness and non -being 113 times, Nechaev - eight years due to mediocre attention and non -being 76 times, Varlamov - seven years due to lamity and non -being 190 times, and this order determines: as the highest published charter of public schools, 8 chapters, in §105, such statements were ordered to deliver to the school main government, then considering [...] the order submitted from the master of the director, and consistent with his opinion, the director of the director, believes that this school government believes this school.Send a statement upon a message, which is sent on January 22, 1792 - February 9, 1792 |