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Assessor Andrei [Kodravtiev];Secretary Semen KandakovOrig.Title of the case: the matter is the main school government of the Caucasian governorship from the order of public charity.By the power of §106 of the Charter of People's Schools about the summary of the Schools used in the Caucasian governorship of schools for 1794, a detailed account of public charity, while sending a school government, with this regarding the requirement of the government on the arrival and expenditure of the sums of schools over the past yearsVedomosti before the notification that this order on the occasion of sending to the Caucasian Treasury Chamber for those years of laid books and since the statement made in the order on the amounts of the order demanded that the secretary for the secretary, according to the teaching of that verification, required the indicated statementOr a detailed account of the parishes and expenses of the school amount has to be in that school government was delivered on February 6, 1795.February 6, 1795 - March 13, 1795 |