Fragment of the report of Stalin I.V.At a solemn meeting of the Moscow Council, together with the party and public organizations...

Title Fragment of the report of Stalin I.V.At a solemn meeting of the Moscow Council, together with the party and public organizations of Moscow, dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution on successes in 1944 and the tasks of the Red Army at the end of the war.November 6, 1944
Dates 6 ноября 1944 г.
Notes Sound time: 01 min.04 sec.RGAFD.F. 1. No. 098 (1-2)
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number РГАФД. Ф. 1. № 098 (1-2)
Original location Российский государственный архив фонодокументов
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Rosarchive
Display format