Operational Directive No. 0061 of the headquarters of the 21st Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front on the breakthrough of the enemy ...

Title Operational Directive No. 0061 of the headquarters of the 21st Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front on the breakthrough of the enemy defense and the exit to the line of the barbell, Caltenbrunn.Script.February 21, 1945
Dates 21 февраля 1945 г.
Notes CA MO RF.F. 236. Op.2673. D. 2023. L. 6-7.
Text language Русский
Call number ЦА МО РФ. Ф. 236. Оп. 2673. Д. 2023. Л. 6-7
Original location Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
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