Yearbook of the Tobolsk provincial museum. Issue. 20. 1910

    Tobolsk Province Museum.
Yearbook of the Tobolsk provincial museum. - Вып. 1-29. - Tobolsk, 1893-1919. -
The contents of the eleven published issues [Yearbook of the Tobolsk Gubernia. Museum]: Vol. 10. - С. 2-3 обл. - Resumed in 2006 as: Yearbook of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve / Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. - Korytova, VI Index of articles and notes placed in the "Yearbooks of the Tobolsk Province Museum" in issues I-XXIX (1893-1918 gg.) / / Land Tyumenskaya. - 1965. - Issue. 4. - P. 130-157 .
1. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Historical local history - Tobolsk province - Periodicals. 4. Museum business - History - Tobolsk province - Periodicals.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tob) L6th54
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen 'ONB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Issue. 20. 1910. - 1912. - [239] p. -
Contents: Minutes of the General Annual Meeting of the Museum Members on June 2, 1911 (pp. 1-2); Report of the Secretary of the Tobolsk Museum for 1910 / V. Lanitin (pp. 2-12); Report of the Conservative of the Tobolsk Provincial Museum on the status of collections for 1910 / You. Pignatti (pp. 12-15); List of mushrooms collected in the city of Tobolsk and its environs / You. Pignatti (pp. 16-18); Report on the state library Tobolsk province museum for 1910 / P. Slavnin (pp. 18-24); Report on the state of the ticket office Tobolsk province museum for 1910 / A. Yurasov (pp. 25-29); The estimate of the arrival and expenditure of the sums of the Tobolsk Province Museum for 1911 (pp. 31-33); Act of the Revision Commission for the Tobolsk Gubernia Museum (pp. 34-35); The staff of the members of the Tobolsk provincial museum by January 1, 1911 (pp. 37-43); A brief message about a trip to the river Kondu (M.Kondinskaya volost, Tobolsk district) in the summer of 1910 / You. Pignatti (pp. 1-15); Essay on the vegetation of the lower reaches of the Konda River / B. Gorodkov (pp. 1-35); List of plants collected on the river Conde / B. Gorodkov (pp. 35-62); Materials on the statistics of the Kondinsky Ostyaks / P. Ivantsev (pp. 1-22); The appeal of PM Kaptsevich, the Governor-General of Western Siberia, to the Tatars of the Tobolsk Province concerning the transfer of them to the category of settled non-Russians (pp. 1-11); Report of the meteorological station I class II category at the Tobolsk provincial museum for the period from September 1, 1910 to August 31, 1911 / Eugene. Pisarevsky (pp. 1-14); The hero of the Sabuna River, the right tributary of the Vakha / Sadovnikov River (pp. 1-6); Little things from the past of Tobolsk province / Chr. Loparev (pp. 1-4) .
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen 'ONB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ