Sketches of Altai

  Vereshchagin, Victor Ivanovich  (1871-1956).    
Essays on the Altai / VI Vereshchagin. - Novosibirsk: Sibkraizdat, 1927. - 84, [1] pp., [6] f. ill., 2 cards. ; 23 cm. -
The main literature on Altai: p. 83. - Index of scientific (Latin) plant names mentioned in the text: p. 77-81. - 2000 copies. .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Altai - Physical Geography.
BBK 26.89 (2Ros-4Alt)
Electronic copy source: Altai KUNB
The original storage area: Алтайская КУНБ
Publisher Сибкрайиздат
Catalogue object