Materials for the anthropology of Russian lapps

Shmakov, Ivan Nikolayevich (1869-1945).
Materials for the anthropology of Russian lapps: The experience of ethnographic and medico-anthropological research: Dis. on the step. Dr. med. I. N. Shmakova. - St. Petersburg: type. AG Rozen (AE Landau), 1909. - [2], 72 pp., 1 liter. Table. ; 22 cm. - (Series of doctoral dissertations admitted to defense in the Military Medical Academy in 1908-1909, No. 8). -
Baking. also in: Yearbook of the Russian anthropologist. Islands, Vol. 3, 1909.
Bibliography: p. 65-67. - With donations. autographed
1. The people (the collection). 2. Murmansk region: pages of history (collection). 3. Saami - Anthropological research.
ББК 28.71
ББК 63.521 (= 662)
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original: RSL
Publisher тип. А. Г. Розена (А. Е. Ландау)
Catalogue object