About young people

Kirov, Sergey Mironovich (1886-1934).About young people / S. M. Kirov.- [Moscow;Leningrad]: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Wallsmith "Young Guard", 1937 (Leningrad: typography them. Evg. Sokolova).-Repent, 205, [2] p., 1 incl.l.Portrait.: Portrait.;15x12 cm - -Bibliography in the text..1. WLKSM - participation in socialist construction - speech, speeches, etc. 2. Wlksm - political and educational work - speech, speeches, etc. 3. Wlksm - anniversary - speech,Speeches, etc. 4. S. M. Kirov (Collection).5. Power (collection).6. People (collection).7. Ideological work of the WLKSM - speech, speeches, etc.The role of the WLKSM - speech, speeches, etc.BBK 63.3 (2) 613-5Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage location: GPIB.Center for socio-political history
Publisher Издательство ЦК ВЛКСМ "Молодая гвардия"
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