A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. V. V. VI. Pskov and S...

Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission . - St.Petersburg: In the printing house of Edward Pratz, 1841-1921 . - 32 cm
T. 5: V. VI. Pskov and the Sophia chronicles. - 1851. - VI, 275, [4] p., [2] l. Fax. .
1. Pskov region: pages of history (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. The Pskov chronicles. 4. Sophia's first chronicle. 5. Annals of the Russians.
ББК 63.3 (2) ю12
ББК 63.3 (2) ю12
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher Археографическая комиссия
Catalogue object