Author Лихачев Николай Петрович Description Likhachev, Nikolay Petrovich (1862-1936). rus The sixteenth-century discharge clerks: the experience of historical research / N. P. Likhachev .- St. Petersburg: Type. VS Balasheva, 1888.- XVI, 559, 72, 101, VI p. ; 27 cm. - Edict. . 1. digit clerks ББК Т3 (2) 44-286,02 ББК 63.3 (2) 4-282.5 Source: RSL Publisher тип. В. С. Балашева Collections State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 16th – early 18th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → Prikaz Russian People → Society → Social structure → Social history of Russia → Social and labor community Russian People → Persons of Russia → Statesmen and political figures → Grand Dukes → Ivan III Vasilievich → Ivan III Vasilievich (1440–1505) → Activities → Internal policy → Orders