On the introduction of a new management order and on the adoption of measures for the development and improvement of the Vladivo...

On the introduction of a new management order and on the adoption of measures for the development and improvement of the Vladivostok commercial port. November 10, 1906 - July 29, 1911 [The film]. - 1906. - 335 pp .. - (Council of Ministers.) .
1. Primorye Territory: pages of history (collection). 2. Vladivostok.
1. Stolypin P.A. 2. Ministry of Internal Affairs
ББК 63.3 (28-8При) 53-2
ББК 65.03 (2) 53
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on

РГИА Ф.1276, Op.2, Д.341
Catalogue object