Lingvometodicheskie and pragmalingvisticheskie aspects of the description of the evasive answers in Russian speech communication

Tolstova, Natalia Nikolaevna (Ph.d.).
Lingvometodicheskie and pragmalingvisticheskie aspects of the description of the evasive answers in Russian speech communication: the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: specialty 13.00.02 /Tolstova Natalia Nikolaevna; [State Institute of Russian Pushkin]. Moscow, 2016. -24 with ... -
Place of Defense: Gos. Inst Eng. Armenian. them. A.s. Pushkin. List of works-author: s. 23-24 (8 titles). -A manuscript.
1. Russian (collection). 2. Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing. 3. Communicative Linguistics-authors ' abstracts of dissertations. 4. Russian language-stylistics-Teaching-graduate school-authors ' abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 81,002 ja031
BBC 81.411.2-55ja031
BBC 74.268.19 = 411.2 ja031
Source: electronic copy. IRJa them. A.s. Pushkin. Site
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