Development of health care in the Oryol province in the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries.

Sosnovskaya, Irina Anatolievna
Development of health care in the Oryol province in the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries. : synopsis of the DIS. ... PhD: 07.00.02/Sosnovskaya Irina A.; [Place of protection: Brjan. State Pedagogical University them. I. G. Petrovsky]. -Bryansk, 2013. -26 with ... - .
1. the territory of Russia: Oryol oblast (collection). 2. People (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Native history.
BBC 51.1 (28-8Orl) 5ja031
BBC 63.3 (28-8Orl) 5-7ja031
Source: electronic copy of Bryansk. Site
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