The trial. 1904, no. 32 (8 August)

Trial newspaper: weekly newspaper without prior censorship/Editor-Publisher f. w. de-Eyelids. -October 17, 1882-[1905], [?]. -St. Peterburg, 1882-1905. -
The newspaper is published weekly (on Sunday) in St. Petersburg in 1882-1905, with the application of the selection of decisions of criminal and civil appeals departments and General Meeting Of the Senate. Editor-Publisher f. w. de-Eyelids.
In 1886 g. exited the application to specific numbers.
Pointers for 1882-1883 Gg.
I. Eyelids de, Ferdinand Vikentievich (1843-1906). 1. Domestic serials and serials (collection). 2. Newspaper-Russia-19-beg. 20 centuries.
BBC 76.024.711.2 (2)
BBC 67.3 (2) 52ja 51
BBC 67.3 (2) 53ja 51
Electronic copy source: BOP
1904, no. 32 (August 8). -1904]. -12 with ... - .
Electronic copy source: BOP
The original storage location: Spbsu
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