External economic relations of the Republic of Mordovia: historical and regional analysis (late XVI-XX centuries).

Surodeeva, Tatyana Pavlovna
External economic relations of the Republic of Mordovia: historical and regional analysis (end of the 16th-20th centuries): the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: speciality 07.00.02 /Surodeeva Tatyana Pavlovna; [RESEARCH INSTITUTE of humanitarian sciences under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia]. -Cheboksary, 2010. -23.; 21 cm.. -
Place of Defense: Chuvash. GOS. University of them. I. N. Ulianov. -Bibliogr.: c. 22-23 (8 titles), and podstroch. rem.
. -100 copies. .Отечественная>
1. Power (collection). 2. the territory of the (collection). 3. Native history.
BBC 63.3 (law. Mor)-2ja031
BBC 63.3 (law. Mor)-64 ja031
Electronic copy source: Chuvash GU. Site
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