Transformation of the legislature in the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of globalization (in comparison with foreign countries)

Kurmanov, Ilyas Zajnidinovich
Transformation of the legislature in the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of globalization (in comparison with foreign countries): the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of k. poured. : specialty 23.00.04/Kurmanov Ilyas Zajnidinovich; [Inst humanitarian. knowledge kurulush State University IM P.m. Arabaeva]. -Bishkek, 2013. -26.; 20 cm.. -
Bibliogr.: p. 26 (7 titles) and podstroch. PRIM.
1. Power (collection). 2. the territory of the (collection). 3. political problems of international relations, global and regional development.
BBC 63.3 (5Kir) 64-33ja031
BBC 66,033,111 ja031
Source: electronic copy of CRT. Site
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