Features of youth policy in the polycultural and polyconfessional space of modern Russia (on the example of the North Caucasus F...

Malukhova, Mariaan AnatolyevnaFeatures of youth policy in the polycultural and polyconfessional space of modern Russia (on the example of the North Caucasus Federal District): the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of political sciences: specialty 23.00.02 / Malukhova Mariaan Anatolyevna;Moscow State Regional University.- Moscow, 2015. -23 s.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr.: With.21-23 (10 Names)..-100 cop..1. People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. Political institutions, processes and technologies.BBK 60.542.15Y031BBK 63.3 (235.7) 64-284.2YA031BBK 66.3 (235.7), 41Y031Electronic source: MGOU.Website
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