Jean Jacques Rousseau

Zasulich, Vera Ivanovna (1849-1919).Jean Jacques Rousseau: The experience of characteristics of his public ideas / N. Karelin.- St. Petersburg: Tip-lithography A. Leiferta, 1898. - [4], 156 p.;20 cm -A copy of St. Petersburg State University on the 2nd s.Owned cover with stamp: library N. K. Mikhailovsky..1. Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712 - 1778).2. Russia - Switzerland: from the history of relationships (collection).3. Russia - France: from the history of relationships (collection).4. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).5. People (collection).BBK 87.3 (4Fra) 5-521.2Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: SPbSU
Publisher Типо-литография А. Лейферта
Catalogue object