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Hakobyan, Edmond Karloshevich (Candidate of Biological Sciences; 1985).Natural park "Samarovsky Chugas".New Year by the fire: [photo] / Photo by E. K. Akopyan.- Electronic graphic data (1 file: 0.9 MB).-Hanti-Mansiysk, 2014. -Access Mode: Internet Portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Photography information is provided by the State Library of Ugra.Natural park Samarovsky Chugas, one of the natural attractions of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, is located at the junction of two rivers Ob and Irtysh, including the territory of the two islands located in the river valley Ob.From the Khanty language, the word "Chugas" translates as a "lonely" taiga ".The natural park was founded in October 2000 and was called "Khanty-Mansiysk Hills".In early 2001, he was renamed "Samarovsky Chugas".Currently, the park covers an area of more than 6.5 thousand hectares.The territory of the park is divided into four functional areas: forest park, recreational and protective, recreational and memorial and research.The pride of the natural park is cedar forests.The animal and floral world of the park is characteristic of the middle taiga zone.214 types of lichens were revealed here, about 90 species of moss, more than 260 species of mushrooms, 237 species of higher vascular plants, over 330 species of insects and 200 vertebrate species.- New Year's environmental and educational program on the ecological trail.Organizers Employees Bu "Natural Park" Samarovsky Chugas ". The tract" Urban forests "of Natural Park" Samarovsky Chugas ", Khanty-Mansiysk. - Website materials used: on vacation. Ru, article" Natural park Samarovsky Chugas "(URL:, Tourism Subtleties, Article "Samarovsky Chugas" (URL: BC% D0% B0% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 81% D0% BA% D0% B8% D0% B9_% D1% 87% D1% 83% D0% B3% D0% B0% D1% 81).1. "Samarovsky Chugas", Natural Park (Khanty-Mansiysk, city) - photos.2. Territory (collection).3. The territory of Russia: Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra (Collection).4. Natural wealth of Russia (collection).5. People (collection).6. Holidays in the history of Russia (collection).7. New Year - Celebration - Russian Federation - photos.8. Nature - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District-Ugra - Photos.9. Documentary photos.BBK 26.89 (253.3) y611BBK 28.088L64 (2 Run-6Khan) y611BBK 28.588 (253.3) y611BBK 28.688 (253.3) Ya611Electronic copy source: Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas"Place of Storage Original: Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas"
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