Homeland. G. 32, 1910, No. 7 (February 14)

Homeland: a literary and artistic family magazine with illustrated departments "World Review" and "Entertainment at Resting Hours" - St. Petersburg: A AK Caspari Publishing House, 1879-1917 -
Rodina is an illustrated magazine for family reading, was founded in St. Petersburg in 1879, VA Zakharov, published monthly, from 1883 - weekly In 1879-1880 he published an appendix "Bulletin of People's Aid"; for 1884 - with the "Progressive Agriculture" annex. In 1886, the magazine acquired AK Caspari. Since that time, the magazine has begun printing monthly applications ("Entertainment at Resting Hours," illustrated by the World Observer, the weekly political and public newspaper Rodina) and until 1917 was published under his editors. Since August 1883, the magazine has been reorganized into a newspaper and again begins the numbering of issues. In 1888-1912 the edition is published in two parallel parts with the title "Homeland: weekly illustrated magazine for family reading" and "Rod to: weekly political, social and literary "; for each year there is a common title page with the title: "Homeland: weekly illustrated literary magazine and political public newspaper"; On No. 52, 1911, the independent edition of the newspaper was discontinued; in 1912 there was a newspaper department in each issue of the magazine with the title: "Homeland: weekly reviews of politics and public life: the newspaper department of the Rodina" magazine. By 1917 it was published with the "Free Russia" supplement
Subheading: 1878 Kn 1 Folk magazine ( with paintings), 1879 Kn 2 - 1883 June / July Monthly magazine with paintings (with minor changes), 1883 No. 1 (August) - 1885 Weekly newspaper, public and literary, 1886-1887 Weekly illustrated political, public and literary newspaper (with minor In the journal: 1888-1 916 Illustrated magazine for family reading (On the cover of 1907 a literary and art magazine and newspaper with illustrated departments "World Review" and "Entertainment at Resting Hours", 1908-1916: Literary and artistic family magazine with illustrated departments "World Review" and " Entertainment in the hours of rest ", in part numbers 1915-1916: Weekly illustrated magazine with a free application and novels); 1917 Weekly literary and art magazine (On the cover: Literary and artistic family magazine, in part numbers:with the illustrated departments of the "World Review" and "Entertainment", in the part of the numbers: Weekly illustrated magazine with a free application and books of novels); In the newspaper: 1888-1901 No. 48 Weekly newspaper political, public and literary; 1901 No. 49 - 1903 Weekly newspaper Politics, news of the day, social life and so forth; 1904-1911 Weekly Public and Political Newspaper (Since 1909 Free Supplement to the Rodina Journal)
Publisher: 1879 - 1884 No. 17 A Tranchel; 1884 No. 18 - 1886 No. 6, 16-17 AND Ponomarev; 1886 No. 7-15 AND Ponomarev and VM Antonov; 1886 No. 18 - 1913 No. 42 A A Caspari; 1913 No. 43 - 1914 No. 34 publisher AA Caspari; 1914 No. 35 - 1917 Joint-stock company of publishing house A A Caspari
1 Russian language (collection) 2 People (collection) 3 Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection) 4 Russian literature - 19 - early 20th cc - Periodicals 5 Russia - Culture - 19 - early 20th cc - Periodicals
BBC 84 (2 = 4112) 5y52
BBK 633 (2) 52-7y52
ББК 633 (2) 53-7я52
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ Center for Socio-Political History
Г 32 1910, № 7 (February 14) - 1910 -97-112, 4, 4, 4 with: ил -
Copy without cover
1 Russian language (collection)
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ Center for Socio-Political History
Publisher Акционерное общество издательства А. А. Каспари