Genre specificity of the parable and parabola in the works of F. Kafka and FM Dostoevsky: the existential aspect

Leskova, Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology).
Genre specificity of the parable and parabola in the works of F. Kafka and F. M. Dostoevsky: existential aspect: thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Philology: specialty 10.01.03 : specialty 10.01. 01 / Ekaterina Vladimirovna Leskova; [Balt. feder. un-t them. Immanuel Kant]. - Kaliningrad, 2015. -23 sec .. -
Place of protection: Balt. feder. un-t them. Immanuel Kant. - List of works avt .: p. 21-22 (11 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. - As a manuscript.
. -90 copies. .
1. Kafka, Franz (1883 - 1924) - and Russian literature - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881) - and Austrian literature - Abstracts of dissertations. 3. Kafka, Franz (1883-1924). "Process - Abstracts of dissertations 4. Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881)" Brothers Karamazov "- Poetics - Abstracts of dissertations 5. Literature of the peoples of foreign countries 6. Russian literature 7. Proverbs - Abstracts of dissertations .
Source of electronic copy: BFU them. I.Kant. Website
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