Improving the management of the development of the regional economic system using the concept of the economic and demographic si...

Fedorov, Dmitry Gennadievich
Improvement of the management of the development of the regional economic system using the concept of the economic and demographic situation: (on the example of the exclave territory of Russia): the dissertation author's abstract on the scientific degree of the Candidate of Economic Sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Fedorov Dmitry Gennadievich; [Ros. state. un-t them. I. Kant]. - Kaliningrad, 2010. -21 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -
Bibliography: p. 21 (10 items).
. -100 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Economics and management of the national economy.
BBC 65.049 (2Рос) я031
ББК 60.561.2я031
Source of electronic copy: BFU them. I.Kant. Website
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