Dmitrieva Irina Evgenievna (2000).
Memorable sign "To the Heroes of the North-Maritime People who died during the Great Patriotic War" in Murmansk: [photos] / photo by IE Dmitrieva. - Electronic data (3 files: 4.1 MB). -Murmansk, 2015. - Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library. In the photos: types of the memorial sign "To the Heroes of the North-Maritime People who perished during the Great Patriotic War" in the winter. Copying by users is not allowed. brtag> A commemorative sign "To the Heroes of the North who died during the Great Patriotic War" is located in the square near the building of the Leninsky District Administration of the city of Murmansk. Author: architect F.S. Taxis. The opening of the memorial sign in honor of the heroes of the Red Banner Northern Fleet was held on October 13, 1974 - the day of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the defeat of the German fascist troops in the Arctic
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I. "Victory is one for all", the project. Northern Fleet - Heroes and heroism. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Murmansk region (collection). 5. Murmansk region: pages of history (collection). 6. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 7. Victory is one for all (draft). 8. The Great Patriotic War - Perpetuation of memory - Murmansk, city - 1941 - 1945 - Photographs. 9. Murmansk, city - Photographs. 10. Documentary photography. |
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Source of electronic copy: From private collection Location of original: From private collection |