Laborers of agriculture of the Earth of Tyumen. Book. 7. The XXI century. The newest history of the Tyumen village. People and F...

The workers of the agriculture of the Earth of Tyumen: [information-biographical edition: in 10 books.]. - Tyumen: TGSHA, 2006-2015. -
Responsible Editors: book. 1-5 D. Zavodovskaya; book. 6-10 L. G. Krikunova.
I. Zavodovskaya, Jalinda Vladimirovna (1930-). II. Krikunova, L.G. Territory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Tyumen region (collection). 4. Tyumen region: pages of history (collection). 5. Agriculture - History - Siberia Western - Biographies. 6. Agriculture - Tyumen region - Biographies. 7. Tyumen Region - History - Figures - Biographies.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Тюм) д
Book. 7: The XXI century. The newest history of the Tyumen village. People and destinies. - 2012. -531, [5] p. : portrait, photo .. -800 copies. -ISBN 978-5-98346-059-1 .
electronic copy Source: Tyumen BSS
Storage location of the original: Tyumen BSS
ISBN 978-5-98346-059-1
Publisher ТГСХА