Collection for the history of the Old Believers, published by N. Popov. Materials for the history of the split. [Bespopovschina ...

Collection for the history of the Old Believers, published by N. Popov = Collection of the history of the Old Believers. - Moscow: Univ. type., 1864-1866. - 21 cm. -
Publishing house: T. 1, issue. 3, Vol. 2, no. 4-5: in the Synodal type.
T. 1, vol. 1-3: without the Society. tit. l.
I. Popov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1834-1870) .1. Religion - Christianity - Orthodoxy - Russian Orthodox Church - Old Believers.
BKK E372.242,0
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
[Bespopovschina of the Transfiguration Cemetery. Popovschina Rogozhsky cemetery]. - 1864. - [8], XXXVIII, 317 s .. - (Materials for the history of the split) .
Source of electronic copy: FGU Russian State Library
Location of original storage: FB S 76/124; FB P 14/28; FB D 26/155; FB M 68/53; FB P 14/240; FB O 5/176; FB U 275/110; FB B 2/133; FB Cl 31/14; OR; FB Priclet to L 10a / 132
Publisher Унив. тип.