The history of the youth search and local lore movement in Russia in the 40s - early 90s of the XX century

Melikhova, Julia Anatolievna
The history of the youth search and local lore movement in Russia in the 40s - early 90s of the XX century: on the materials of the Kursk region: the author's abstract of the dis. ... the candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02 / Melikhova Yulia Anatolevna; [Protection: Cours. state. un-t]. - Kursk, 2011. -24 sec .. - .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Kursk region (collection). 3. Domestic history.
BKK 26.89 (2Ros-4Kus) 6ya031
BBC 63.3 (2Ros-4Kus) 6-442y031
Source of electronic copy: KSU. Website
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