History of the Solovki camps of the OGPU: economic activities and employment of prisoners (1923-1933)

Shulgina, Maria Vladimirovna
History of the Solovki camps of the OGPU: economic activity and employment of prisoners (1923-1933): thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: specialty 07.00.02 - Domestic history / Maria Shulgina; [FGAOU HPE "North (Arct.) Federal University of MV Lomonosov", Institute of Social and Humanitarian. and polit. Sciences, Caf. of the fatherlands. stories]. - Arkhangelsk, 2013.-22, [1] with., Including the region. ; 20 cm .. -100 copies. .
1. Solovki Special Purpose Camps - History - 1923 - 1933 - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Penitentiary system - History - Arkhangelsk province - 1923 - 1933 - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Convicted - Labor - History - Arkhangelsk Province - 1923 - 1933 - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Russian history. 7. Abstracts of dissertations.
BBB 63.3 (2) 61-361
BBC 63.3 (2Phos-4Arch, 99Sol) 61-361

Source of electronic copy: SAFU. Website
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