Social audit of the activities of municipal authorities in the development of civil society institutions

Volovik, Olga Anatolievna
Social audit of the activities of municipal authorities in the process of development of civil society institutions: (regional aspect): thesis abstract for the candidate of sociological sciences: 22.00.04 - social structure, social institutions and processes / Volovik Olga Anatolievna; [FGAOU HPE "North (Arct.) Federal University of MV Lomonosov, Department of State and Municipal Management." - Arkhangelsk, 2013. -22 pp., 21 cm. - Bibliography: p. 22.
. -100 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Social structure, social institutions and processes.
BBC 60.561.322я031
ББК 67.400.7я031
ББК 60.027.1я031
Source of electronic copy: SAFU. Website
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