
Football: the rules of the game: these rules are mandatory for all soccer competitions held on the territory of the USSR: [approved by the All-Union Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the SNK of the USSR on April 1, 1937] / All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the SNK of the USSR . - Rostov on Don: Rostov Regional Economic Publishing House, 1938. -32 p. : heck. ; 14 cm. -1 000 copies. .
I. USSR. Committee for Physical Culture and Sports. The people (the collection). 2. Sports in Russia (collection). 3. Football - Rules of the game. 4. Football - the USSR.
BBK 75.4 (2)
BBK 75.578
Source of electronic copy: National Library of Russia
Location of original: РНБ
Publisher Ростовское областное хозяйственное издательство
Catalogue object