Self-education and its means

Alexy (Dorodnitsyn Anempodist Yakovlevich, Bishop of Saratov and Tsaritsyn, 1859-1921).
Self-education and its means: (essay on Christian pedagogy) / Alexy Bishop of Saratov and Tsaritsyn. - Saratov: Type. Union of Printing, 1913. -41 p. ; 26 cm. - .
1. Culture. The science. Education - Public education. Pedagogical sciences - Comprehensive school. School pedagogy - School pedagogy - Russia - Education - Methods, forms and means of upbringing - Self-education. 2. Religion - Christianity - Orthodoxy - Russian Orthodox Church - Russian Orthodox Church and Society - Russian Orthodox Church and Youth.
BBK Ч421,8 (2) 328,0
ББК Э372.24-112.682,0
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