Act of concessions and treatise between His Majesty emperor of the All-Russian and His Majesty Emperor Austrian, King Hungarian ...

The act of concessions and the treatise of the distinction between His Majesty Emperor All-Russian and His Majesty Emperor Austrian, King Hungarian and Bohemian Prisoner in Lember Marta Sevenmarago / Nine-step-in-day day: ACTE De Cession Et Traite de Demarcation Conclu Entre SA Majeste L'Empereur de Toutes Les Russia etSM L'Empereur d'autriche, Roi de Hongrie et de Boheme, a leopol le 7/19 Mars 1810. - [in St. Petersburg]: [Printed in the Senate Typography], [1810].- [2], 11, [1] p.;2 ° (30 cm).-Text rus.and fr.Yaz.OutDan.on about.Tit.L.Manifesto on April 171810 on the publication of this "Act" to universal news on p.[1 - 2] .. - Consolidated catalog of the Russian book 1801-1825..1. Franz I (imp. Avtra.; 1768-1835).2. Alexander I (imp.; 1777-1825).Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher [Печатано при Сенатской типографии]

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