Church and state

Nikanor (Brovkovich Alexander Ivanovich; Archiep. Kherson and Odessa; 1827-1890).Church and the state: against Graph L. Tolstago: the conversation of the conversation of Nican Archbishop Khersonskago and Odessa.- St. Petersburg: Type.F. Eleonskago and to °, 1888. -58 p.;20 cm. -.1. Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich (1828-1910).2. Religion - Christianity - Orthodoxy - Russian Orthodox Church - the history of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Russian Orthodox Church from the second half of the 90s.XIX centuryUntil 1917 - Russian Orthodox Church and public life - the Russian Orthodox Church and Culture, ideology, life - the struggle of the Russian Orthodox Church against science, freedomiff and progressive public life - the Russian Orthodox Church and Lion Tolstoy.BBK E372.24-352-021.721.7.0Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher тип. Ф. Елеонскаго и К°

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